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Midnight Yoga

My room was kinda warm since I have the door shut and only one small window, I’ve always wanted to try hot yoga so i did some sit ups/push ups/planks to warm up...then did a 30 minute yoga video I have. man does that feel good to sweat out your crap in life and feel refreshed when your done. I feel so......centered right now.

Every drop of sweat that drips down my face represents a negative piece of myself I faced and over came. You have to work hard everyday to accomplish the goal and dreams you have in life. You cannot simply sit down, watch Netflix, eat food, sleep, work….repeat. That is not life.

Life is about setting your mind on a goal or dream you have and setting out working towards that idea.

I struggle with my beer gut everyday. I know that it is a mistake that I literally carry with me everyday. Sure, I am not overly obese or fat compared to many other Americans; but when you are on a quest of personal development…you get to point out your flaws and call them horrible because those are the problems you must face. People may say “I don’t have anything to be ashamed about”, or “love your body”; and I can understand the reasons why they would say those things. But for me personally; it is something I’m ashamed about. I wish I pushed more into sports and “active” hobbies while I was younger. Many more people who were into those things are still active and overall more healthy compared to those like me.

I’m not blaming my parents, teachers, or anyone else…just myself for that choice. I only mention it because I am now paying for those choices I made. When you’re 26…you don’t have the structure like you did in high school to learn the basics on how to work out, different types of workouts, how to use machines, free-weights, etc. As an adult, I need to work all of this learning into my already stressful and exhaustive day and probably pay someone to teach me if I really wanted to learn the correct ways.

However; saying it like that makes it sound like a horrible chore so why bother doing it?? When I graduated college, I thought to myself “hell yeah, I’m done studying, testing, learning, etc. now I can get on to life”. Well that was a big lie and 2 years since that graduation…it finally hit me. I cannot continue down this path of thinking stuff will “just change”. I need to focus on learning how to make those changes in my life and push my life into the direction I want to go.

Becoming a happy and healthy Brandon is my number one goal right now. Doing the things that makes Brandon happy, successful, innovative, relaxed, healthy, and beyond…are my “hookups”.

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