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The Miracle Morning Adventure

Well…this morning started off to be an interesting one. My blog website went down right as I started typing my blog post. The old brandon would have been upset to the point where he probably would have either given up or he would have tried over and over to get the site to load. Not the new Brandon! This is just a sign from the universe that I cannot be deterred and that I have other ways to capture my blog posts. Like using Notes!

Anyways; it’s just about 7am as of right now. My alarm went off at 6am like usual, but instead of thinking “ugh, I just don’t want to get up today” or “one more snooze round”; I laid in bed with my eyes open thinking of all the good things I can accomplish today. I was thinking of all the things I’m thankful for. I was thinking about how I followed one aspect of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod which was going to bed thinking that no matter how much sleep you’ll get that its the perfect amount for you at that moment. You are thankful to get X hours of sleep and you cannot wait to wake up energized and ready to go. I honestly did not believe that it would work…but here I am! I’m up typing this post and sipping on my hot lemon tea (yes…tea instead of coffee…thats for a whole other blog post *tears*).

So whats next then? Getting up early is the first step…but what is the next thing I want to tackle during my morning of personal development??? Well; Hal suggest making a list of personal development activities that I wish to try/expand on…then divide my time during this morning adventure amongst the list I create. Since I don’t really know what “personal development activities” are; I’m going to copy his. I’m sure he won’t mind since I actually bought the book vs snag it from a friend.

  • Silence: Meditation/sitting in silence focusing on my breathing. This can help bring a sense of peace and tranquility to your day before you even start. It gets your mind in the right mood to tackle the day ahead of you.

  • Reading: I have always wanted to read more so this is a perfect time to tackle that challenge. Finding books related to my development/goals/life aspirations/interests….and actually READING THEM!

  • Affirmations: I have a feeling this is going to be the most important part of my day. I have never taken the time to realize my full potential…hell…I’ve never actually thought about affirmations. Writing down who I want to become, what I am committed to doing to change my life, the goals and dreams of my life. No matter how outrageous or far-fetched they sound; these ideas are things I want to accomplish. Without writing them down, I’ll never have a reference point to judge how far along the life train I am towards this goal.

  • Visualization: I need to create and develop a vision board. Something that shows me everyday the goals I have in life, my dreams, my desires but all visually without sentences/paragraphs. Being a graphic designer, this part SHOULD be fun but we’ll see. haha! I don’t know if I want to design it all on my computer and print it or print off things I want to do and glue them like the rest of the world. This is TBD.

  • Journaling/Blogging: Since this part of my morning adventure is going to be the outlet of who I am and what I want to share with the world. This is going to be the time I write stuff to post online. Now I’m not going to be solely dedicated to posting during this time of the day as once I hit the road…I’ll be able to post whenever I want. This is just going to be me getting in the habit of posting/blogging. Eventually I want to start vloging so this may play a part.

  • Exercise: LORD KNOWS I NEED THIS ONE. The biggest task I want to do is workout! I want to show that I can focus on myself in its entirety. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. I have a huge desire to become a better looking person physically. Yes I know I am not obese like many americans and I do not consider myself “fat”. But the reality is that if I want to change my life as I am doing now…i also need to put effort into changing my body. THere’s a few extra pounds that have followed me from college.

So now that I’ve gotten my list of stuff I want to accomplish during my 6am-8am personal development session with myself; how is this going to look? To be honest, I don’t really know and that is okay. I have a list of things I want to begin accomplishing so I’ll start checking them off as I do them each day. I know I’ll have setbacks, days where I don’t accomplish as much as I want, and days where I blow myself out of the water! All that matters is that I keep putting one step forward each day, even if its just a baby step.

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