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   WHO AM I   

The infamous “About Me” section…this part was the last to be completed when I built the blog. I spent weeks thinking about what to write and how to truly describe who I am. After all; the point of this blog is to explore who I am as an individual on this vast planet so it’s only logical I have a starting point for reference on how far I’ve progressed. With that in mind, do you treat this section as a static portion of the blog or do you make it something that is dynamic and can change? Taking it…deeper…if its static, should I try to list as many things that would define me as possible? It would be a record stamp in time, forever out there on the interwebs. Opposite of that, if it’s dynamic, then it would be more of a reflection of who I am at this moment, but would change over time.


That’s just one problem I faced when I was trying to write this section, I haven’t even gotten to the content portion! But you get my drift…this part was a bitch.


I guess the point of the adventures and life experiences I dream of having, revolve around a sense of personal growth and a drive to expand your understanding of the world and all it has to offer. In order to do that, we need to adapt and change as humans. Thus the dreaded “about me” section will change as well; but isn’t that the goal?


So I begin; 


By now you’ve probably found out my name, but for the record…*in a typical salesman pitch* “Hello! My name is Brandon!” Now we’re formally introduced, let me show you my picture perfect world with 2.4 children and 3.5 pets….bahaha, who am I kidding?? I worked at AT&T for a year or so when I first moved to Madison. Needless to say I learned that the corporate structure is NOT for me. But I cannot ignore the wonderful experiences I gained from meeting one of my closest friends who I worked with at the time. She has been a guiding wind and a solid rock to lean on during my 2ish years in Madison. Although the work experience was a horrible one, I gained something I could have never found on a benefits overview from the HR department. These relationships and experiences are ones we should never forget as they teach us something unique about ourselves. This is one of my core beliefs.


Since I’m not raiding the pockets of working America…what does this man do? I currently enjoy employment at Pechmann Memorials as one of their graphic designers. As a company we engrave tons of things from headstones to small river stones with a paw print on it. I do most of the “non-memorial” work. I absolutely love what I do! As stressful as every job can get…the rewards for this one far outweigh those flaws. Seeing the work I do get engraved into a stone which will survive for the rest of time…in theory…is a little humbling. Sure, when I make a mistake it is forever engraved into stone for the world to see; but…comparing a singular mistake to a wealth of successfully completed stones is illogical, as Spock would say. Speaking of the “hidden benefits” of jobs, the visual result of my work is a great reminder of this theory. I can walk into the shop and see anywhere from 5 things I've done…up to 100 or more brick pavers. All accurate and complete, so why should I let one small mistake I just made corrupt and destroy my day, value as an employee, and self-worth as a human? You shouldn’t and believing that…is one of my core values.


Pulling up from that dive into an emotional shitstorm; another big passion of mine is traveling…as with everyone else. Who wouldn’t like the ability to explore places foreign to you? My dream is a bit more simple compared to vast travels across the globe every month. I want to hit the highways of American in an RV with no real roots, expect for maybe my immediate family. We have an incredible amount of diversity between the two great oceans that protect us and many pass by without stopping to take it all in. Recently, I’ve discovered that what I really want out of life is to have a one that is filled with memories (all documented via nifty electronic devices), not one filled with physical objects. Sure a house would be nice, but a mortgage…NO THANKS. Land would be nice, but taxes and upkeep are a pain. Children…thats what most people think of next…but no thanks. At this point, besides the fact that I’ll never marry a woman, I have zero desire to raise children. 


So…to recap…late 20’s gay male, single, no desire to have children, can work from a computer anywhere if needed, and has a massive desire to explore the nation. Perfect match for living in an RV! This is my biggest life dream and goal that I am working towards right now. Everything I do from here on out is dedicated towards reaching that goal. That’s where this blog, Beyond The Building, comes in handy. This is going to be my outlet and voice in the crowded world of the Internet. I will not hide anything back. I will have flaws, faults, opinions people disagree with, and other issues. When you are a human with emotions and are not perfect, those things are bound to happen. But through showing the world I accept those mistakes and grow from them, I hope that one day I can motivate someone to do the same. 


As for this about me part, I think I’m about done. Being honest…if you can find my blog, I’m sure you can find me on Facebook and thats where you can really see who someone is by what they post. Go check it out and if you have anything to say…there are many ways to contact me :D

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